
Where in the World Are Sigma Nu Brothers?
Have you used our Beta Rho directory lately? Our website has a full directory of our alumni – including the people who made your undergrad years so unforgettable. Take some time to reconnect. Here’s some tips on ways to search for

Thank you, Brothers
Thank you to the following brothers who have helped support Sigma Nu this past giving year. Your support helped us raise $17,140 towards our Annual Fund. Alumni support is at the heart of everything we do, and we can’t thank

Save the Date: UPenn Homecoming Saturday, November 4
This year, UPenn homecoming is taking place November 4, and we want to see you there! Join us for Homecoming and stop by the Chapter House anytime, starting at 12pm! Brief presentations and house updates will begin at 4pm. RSVP

Sigma Nu alumni, where are you now?
As the years go by since our time as undergraduates at UPenn came to an end, it can be increasingly difficult to keep tabs on what our Beta Rho buddies have been up to. Time passes, life gets in the

The Spring 2023 Sigma Nu’s
Did you receive your Spring 2023 edition of Sigma Nu’s? If not, you’re missing out! If you didn’t receive your copy in the mail, send your current mailing address to us at and let us know to add you

Thank you to our Honor Roll members!
Thank you to these fine gentlemen listed below in the 2022-23 Honor Roll for their continued support of Beta Rho Chapter! Because of them, we have been able to not only support our chapter, but support the alumni through communications,